ProBano - Career guidance for youth of India
ProBano – Career Guidance for Youth of India is an application offered by Ceretonin Education Private Limited which was released on 3rd June 2021 and has been installed by over a hundred users and Mr. Aditya Bose is CEO of the ProBano app.
This application is known as an online career guidance platform for the youth of India which helps them to select the right career with the best choices and build up their skills needed to succeed in it.
The installation process is easy with sign-in by creating an account, filling up the full name, e-mail address, and creating a password.
This application is helpful to a candidate who is confused about the selection of a career as they will provide career guidance through a very well-curated process on the purchase of their career guidance package.
The app provides an innovative and technology-based process which includes videos, live sessions, and assessments on the following topics to help them to explore and discover their passion:
1/Career Counselling – To make the right career choice and to plan the correct career path ahead.
2/Mentoring - Receive career advice from successful professionals in the chosen career option.
3/Career Capital Enhancement - Build fundamental skills required to succeed in chosen career option.
4/Provide Opportunities - Avail opportunities like scholarships, internships, jobs, etc. available in the chosen career option.
They provided a career guidance process and methodology which has been developed with an experience of providing career guidance to more than 20,000 students across India.
Recently they have introduced two new features, one being analytics and the other is scholarships which are now available on the application.
Some highlights of the application:
1. Perfect blend of technology & in-person experience
They have introduced their expertise and made a perfect mixture of technology – through videos, assessments, personality tests & reports, student impact reports along with in-person career guidance.
2. Unfold the uniqueness
They have demonstrated to the user how one can focus on their interest, apply unique strengths, and personality to become best at something which they had already love doing and are really good at.
3. Experience tremendous service
They value relationships much more than numbers. When someone joins for the counselling, they work on a personal level to ensure that the candidate will choose the right career and also guide on how to work on themselves to build required skills for success.
In the end, ProBano is committed to providing the best career guidance to the youth of India which assists them to make accurate career choices, build proper skills to succeed in their life, and succeed in their careers and make the nation proud.